Anas Brital

Anas Brital
Student At The Polydisciplinary Faculty Of Larache
Abdelmalek Essaadi University
Hi I'm Anas Brital ,And i'm Currently a Student At The Polydisciplinary Faculty Of Larache In Abdelmalek Essaadi University , I made this website for one purpose which is sharing my ideas and what I've learned so far, I'm passionate about artificial intelligence and Mathematics , and I'm currently in my second year of a master's degree in Intelligent Systems and Development Decision making Systems .
My journey with artificial intelligence began in my graduation project, where the topic was the design and implementation of a driving assistance system, specialized in detecting and recognizing road signs, and monitoring the driver's speed, and the idea is to compare the speed recognized on the last plate with the current speed of the car, if The driver exceeds the speed, the system sends an alert to the driver to reduce the vehicle speed. To implement this system, I used some segmentation techniques to detect the panels in the images captured by the camera in the front of the car, and a convolutional neural network to classify the panels detected in the images .
That's why I liked this field and wanted to know more about it, that's why I chose this master's degree, because it has a lot of topics related to artificial intelligence .
Education :
- Bachelor Degree In Mathematics and Computer Science At The Polydisciplinary Faculty Of Larache In Abdelmalek Essaadi University .
- Master Degree In Intelligent systems and the development of decision-making systems At The Polydisciplinary Faculty Of Larache In Abdelmalek Essaadi University .
Skills :
- Programming Languages : C/C++ , Java , Python/R , Scala , Ruby , Javascript .
- Machine Learning && Deep Learning Frameworks and Tools : Keras , PyTorch , TensorFlow .
- Machine Learning Algorithms : Linear Regression , Logistic Regression , K-Nearest Neighbours , Support Vector Machines , K-Means , Naive Bayes , Decision Tree , Randon Forest , AdaBoost .
- Deep Learning Algorithms : MultiLayer Perceptron , Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) ,Recurrent neural network (RNN/LSTM/GRU) , generative adversarial networks (GANs) .
- Python Libraries : Numpy , Scikit-Learn , Pandas , Matplotlib .
- Computer Vision : OpenCv , CNN , AlexNet , LeNet-5 , VGG-16 , VGG-19 , Inception-V1 , Inception-V2 , Inception-V3 , Inception-V4 , Xception , ResNet-50 , ResNext-50 ...
- DataBases : MySql , Postgres , Oracle DB , MongoDb .
- Big Data : Hadoop Ecosystem , HDFS , Yarn , Map-Reduce , Spark , Sqoop , Pig , Hive , Impala .
- Cryptography : symmetric and asymmetric encryption , hash functions , digital signature .
- Mathematics : Linear Algebra , Statistics && Probability , Optimization , Calculus ...